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Social Media

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Out of ideas, frustrated, and scratching your head when your posts, stories, reels —oh my!— don’t get the traction you’d hoped?(After all, it’s not like social media is your specialty.)

Hey – I’m Allan Kato

I help busy business owners like you escape the overwhelm and get off the content – creation hamster wheel so you can get measurable results from your social media accounts – without burning out!

To be honest with you, it’s possible.



Level Up

Learn how to unlock life changing business growth, build community, and become an industry leader with better social media strategy.


Play Your Game

They say you need to change your social media strategy every time a platform changes or algorithm updates, but that’s a myth that leads to wasted resources.



Train Your Team

Draft a game-plan that plays to your strengths and connects with your customers — we’ll train your team while you keep driving your business forward.

The truth is: if you want to grow a business in this day and age — you need to be active on social media. (After all, research shows your Instagram profile gets more hits than your home page.)But…

Your social media strategy shouldn’t overshadow the rest of your business. 

In fact, I’m a social media strategist who unapologetically tells business owners to keep their main thing the MAIN thing.So…how do we craft a plan for your profiles that highlights what you do best, without you spending more of your time on your posts than your expertise?

So glad you asked…

It may feel unpredictable, but the social’s algorithms haven’t put you on some sort of social media blacklist.

If you post the right content that’s optimized for performance and engages your ideal audience—you can pretty much count on your socials to be a reliable source of leads & connections. And—no, you won’t catch me telling you to dance, rap, or otherwise embarrass yourself for clicks…unless that’s your vibe. 



I’ll help you…

Nail down your goals for your social media profiles—
and identify quantifiable metrics that help you track your success.

Find (and foster) your confidence to prep your content and post it without second-guessing what you’ve said or redoing the work 5x, 10x, or…100x.

And, get on with your life trusting that your social media content will do its thing while you do yours. 

I’m not here to guarantee you’ll go viral.

Sure—the likes, engagement, and attention that come with it are nice. But a whirlwind of quick success doesn’t actually guarantee you real results. 

I’m here to help create a sustainable strategy that works for you while every piece of content aligns with your business goals.

Out of ideas, frustrated, and scratching your head when your posts, stories, reels —oh my!— don’t get the traction you’d hoped?
(After all, it’s not like social media is your specialty.)

Hey – I’m Allan Kato

I help busy business owners like you escape the overwhelm and get off the content – creation hamster wheel so you can get measurable results from your social media accounts – without burning out!

To be honest with you, it’s possible.


Level Up

Learn how to unlock life changing business growth, build community, and become an industry leader with better social media strategy


Play Your Game

They say you need to change your social media strategy every time a platform changes or algorithm updates, but that’s a myth that leads to wasted resources.


Train Your Team

Draft a game-plan that plays to your strengths and connects with your customers — we’ll train your team while you keep driving your business forward.

The truth is: if you want to grow a business in this day and age — you need to be active on social media.

(After all, research shows your Instagram profile gets more hits than your home page.)


Your social media strategy shouldn’t overshadow the rest of your business. 


In fact, I’m a social media strategist who unapologetically tells business owners to keep their main thing the MAIN thing.

So…how do we craft a plan for your profiles that highlights what you do best, without you spending more of your time on your posts than your expertise?

So glad you asked…

It may feel unpredictable, but the social’s algorithms haven’t put you on some sort of social media blacklist.

If you post the right content that’s optimized for performance and engages your ideal audience—you can pretty much count on your socials to be a reliable source of leads & connections.

And—no, you won’t catch me telling you to dance, rap, or otherwise embarrass yourself for clicks…unless that’s your vibe. 

I’ll help you…


Nail down your goals for your social media profiles—
and identify quantifiable metrics that help you track your success.

Find (and foster) your confidence to prep your content and post it without second-guessing what you’ve said or redoing the work 5x, 10x, or…100x.

And, get on with your life trusting that your social media content will do its thing while you do yours. 

I’m not here to guarantee you’ll go viral.

Sure—the likes, engagement, and attention that come with it are nice. But a whirlwind of quick success doesn’t actually guarantee you real results. 

I’m here to help create a sustainable strategy that works for you while every piece of content aligns with your business goals.


Confidence in your CONTENT

Finally feel like you know what to post, what to write in your caption, and how to hit the post button without doubts about what you’ve created. 

Ease in your


Trends, research, data and metrics…those are MY job. Let me lead you in what I do best so you can create, post, and engage with your audience…and have fun with it. 

Measurable results from your ENGAGEMENT

We’ll set benchmarks for what you want to achieve with your content and engagements. Whether leads, sales, or audience growth—we’ll pinpoint what you’re looking for…and why. 


Speaking engagements where I’ve taught social strategies to business owners & entrepreneurs.


Content drops to support your social strategy…and your sanity.

2-4 Weeks

The time it takes to see your efforts shift your engagement stats. 


Number of times you’ll hear me say you have to post 7 days a week

That’s the response WE  typically get when we tell people we’ve planned, prepped, and created an entire month of social media content in ONE DAY.

But do you know WHAT WE THINK?

Stressing about what to post on social media every day…

Using precious time that you could be focusing on other important things…

Taking days, weeks, or the whole month to publish your content…

And letting your content promotion strategy overwhelm you is what we consider CRAZY!

That’s why we want to share our exact social media strategy with you that lets us spend very little time on day 1 to save you a lot MORE time the rest of the month. 

Join Us so we can teach you or do help you  How to Plan, Create, and Execute a Month of Social Media Posts in One Day.

Call to action—- Join Us To Optimize Your Time

This is what to look forward to when you Join us:

  • Daily bite-sized Actions

  • Group coaching and masterclasses

  • A library of 3000+ customizable caption templates

  • Thousands of Lifestyle photos

  • 200+ Instagram Story Templates customizable in Canva to fit your brand

  • Over 50+ step-by-step marketing Action Plans that will help you take your business to the next level!

Simpler (and more fun!) social media marketing – in 3 steps.


IDENTIFY your goals & quantifiable metrics.

Believe it or not, social media’s actually pretty predictable…when you know its trends. That’s where I come in to help you create a plan for posting content that connects with your ideal audience. Once you’ve got a workable plan, it’s just about doing the work…without the guesswork. 


BUILD confidence in your content & strategy.

Believe it or not, social media’s actually pretty predictable…when you know its trends. That’s where I come in to help you create a plan for posting content that connects with your ideal audience. Once you’ve got a workable plan, it’s just about doing the work…without the guesswork. 


TRUST that your content will do its job


Click post & put your phone down to get on to your main thing. Your stories, reels, & posts will work their way into your peeps’ feeds…while you work your magic for your current clients & customers. You stay in your lane while your social media content supports your efforts. Nice! 



Getting your ads strategy right


Developing an ads strategy to reach a lookalike audience that is ready to purchase is my secret sauce for increasing organic results and implementing the content that is already performing well.


Despite the fact that ads are no longer R20 per conversion, they can still be incredibly useful for building brand awareness and generating qualified leads. It all comes down to your ads strategy here, but we will use ads spending R150 or less to reach a better lookalike audience to get your social media following ready to buy from you.


Your ads strategy now feeds into everything your brand is doing on social platforms as well as your own platforms (website, email, etc.).



Confidence in your CONTENT

Finally feel like you know what to post, what to write in your caption, and how to hit the post button without doubts about what you’ve created. 




Trends, research, data and metrics…those are MY job. Let me lead you in what I do best so you can create, post, and engage with your audience…and have fun with it. 

Measurable results from your ENGAGEMENT

We’ll set benchmarks for what you want to achieve with your content and engagements. Whether leads, sales, or audience growth—we’ll pinpoint what you’re looking for…and why. 


Speaking engagements where I’ve taught social strategies to business owners & entrepreneurs.


Content drops to support your social strategy…and your sanity.

2-4 Weeks

The time it takes to see your efforts shift your engagement stats. 


Number of times you’ll hear me say you have to post 7 days a week

That’s the response WE  typically get when we tell people we’ve planned, prepped, and created an entire month of social media content in ONE DAY.

But do you know WHAT WE THINK?

Stressing about what to post on social media every day…

Using precious time that you could be focusing on other important things…

Taking days, weeks, or the whole month to publish your content…

And letting your content promotion strategy overwhelm you is what we consider CRAZY!

That’s why we want to share our exact social media strategy with you that lets us spend very little time on day 1 to save you a lot MORE time the rest of the month. 

Join Us so we can teach you or do help you  How to Plan, Create, and Execute a Month of Social Media Posts in One Day.


This is what to look forward to when you Join us:

  • *Daily bite-sized Actions
  • *Group coaching and masterclasses

  • *A library of 3000+ customizable caption templates

  • *Thousands of Lifestyle photos

  • *200+ Instagram Story Templates customizable in Canva to fit your brand

  • *Over 50+ step-by-step marketing Action Plans that will help you take your business to the next level!

Simpler (and more fun!) social media marketing – in 3 steps.


IDENTIFY your goals & quantifiable metrics.

Believe it or not, social media’s actually pretty predictable…when you know its trends. That’s where I come in to help you create a plan for posting content that connects with your ideal audience. Once you’ve got a workable plan, it’s just about doing the work…without the guesswork. 


BUILD confidence in your content & strategy.

Believe it or not, social media’s actually pretty predictable…when you know its trends. That’s where I come in to help you create a plan for posting content that connects with your ideal audience. Once you’ve got a workable plan, it’s just about doing the work…without the guesswork. 


TRUST that your content will do its job. 

Click post & put your phone down to get on to your main thing. Your stories, reels, & posts will work their way into your peeps’ feeds…while you work your magic for your current clients & customers. You stay in your lane while your social media content supports your efforts. Nice! 


Getting your ads strategy right

Developing an ads strategy to reach a lookalike audience that is ready to purchase is my secret sauce for increasing organic results and implementing the content that is already performing well.

Despite the fact that ads are no longer R20 per conversion, they can still be incredibly useful for building brand awareness and generating qualified leads. It all comes down to your ads strategy here, but we will use ads spending R150 or less to reach a better lookalike audience to get your social media following ready to buy from you.

Your ads strategy now feeds into everything your brand is doing on social platforms as well as your own platforms (website, email, etc.).


If you have not grasped from above what a social media manager does, worry not. We shall explain again. We both know you need to use social media to market your business. Yes, it takes time to write posts, create graphics, create a content strategy, sync the strategy with your products and services, answer questions and comments, etc. You have tried to post consistently, but it takes too much time. You realize social media is a full-time job. That’s what we are here for! You hire us. To do all the above. I write posts, create graphics, create a content strategy, sync the strategy to include the products and services you want to sell, answer questions and comments, posting consistently on your desired platform. Because social media is our job. You hire us so you can get back to running your business. This is how Social Media Management works when you hire Ymbued.

Before we even begin building your social media strategy we like to meet up, grab a coffee and get to know each other. By forming a strong working relationship, it’s much easier for us to really get to know you and your business and how to best represent your brand online.

Your social media strategy will include a clear, organised breakdown of each post or post category that is tailored to each social media platform your business uses. This breakdown will show each individual post, the contents of the post and the time it will be published. Images and digital graphics play a huge part online, therefore, your strategy will include an image template so all of your images feature your company branding. If you have photographs or images you would like to use we will ensure these are included within your strategy.

Absolutely, we are more than happy to get you up and running if you are unsure or simply don’t have the time to set them up yourself. As part of the consultation stage, we will discuss which platforms you should be on and how they will be set up.

Yes. Social Media Management is a ghost service. I am posting on your social media profiles, under your handles, as YOU. The only way someone knows it is by us posting and not you is if YOU tell them.

Currently, Twitter, Facebook fan page, Facebook group, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest for any brand. In select cases, LinkedIn can also be managed on a case-by-case basis. The reason is that LinkedIn is exclusively used as a professional platform, and is used in a different capacity than other platforms.

You will know it is working by the objectives that you set, as part of your reasons for hiring us. For example, if you want to keep up a consistent presence on social media, you’ll be able to see your profiles look consistent. If you want to sell specific products and services, you will know it’s working by the increase in phone calls and inquiries (lead generation) and of course SALES.


Web Design

We craft visually stunning and user-friendly websites tailored to showcase your brand's unique identity.

Intagram Ads

Let us transform your Instagram presence into a powerful marketing tool, driving not just likes, but meaningful interactions and conversions.

Facebook Ads

Let us guide your brand through the dynamic landscape of Facebook advertising, ensuring your messages stand out and drive real results.

Google Ads

From captivating ad copy to precise keyword targeting, we optimize every element for success.

Search Engine Optimisation

Our expert SEO services ensure your website ranks higher in search engines, driving targeted traffic to your business.


Web Design

We craft visually stunning and user-friendly websites tailored to showcase your brand's unique identity.

Intagram Ads

Let us transform your Instagram presence into a powerful marketing tool, driving not just likes, but meaningful interactions and conversions.

Content Creation

Let us tell your story in a way that leaves a lasting impression, driving engagement and building connections.

Facebook Ads

Let us guide your brand through the dynamic landscape of Facebook advertising, ensuring your messages stand out and drive real results.

Google Ads

From captivating ad copy to precise keyword targeting, we optimize every element for success.

Search Engine Optimisation

Our expert SEO services ensure your website ranks higher in search engines, driving targeted traffic to your business.

“Ymbued helped our startup succeed. They didn’t just do a job; it felt like they invested in our dreams. Ymbued not only brought in more leads but also boosted our aspirations.”

8925 Record label

Managing Director

When we talk about Alts, we do not mean a typical business partner, but rather a team that collaborates with us daily, always there for us when we encounter difficulties and celebrate achievements. We see in Alts our best ally for success!

Maria D. Halk

Managing Director

They’re the heart behind our digital success. The website revamp journey felt like they truly understood us. They were compassionate friends guiding us on the path to success.

Maguy KT, Managing Director at Camka

Managing Director

When we talk about Alts, we do not mean a typical business partner, but rather a team that collaborates with us daily, always there for us when we encounter difficulties and celebrate achievements. We see in Alts our best ally for success!

Maria D. Halk

Managing Director

They shaped our online success, revamping our site and crafting a personalized SEO journey. Their team wasn’t just consultants but friends, an integral part of our growth story.

Leon Bindu, CEO of The Fitness Den

Managing Director

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